Articles should clearly reflect the content of the proposed report (message), their length is not less than three and not more than six carefully edited pages. Literary sources in the list, preferably no more than 10 items.
Deadline for submission of articles:November 20, 2023
Notification of the results of the consideration of articles: December 25, 2023.
Publication of the Symposium materials
By the beginning of the ISTS, scientific works indexed in the Russian Science Citation Index will be published with articles in the original language.
Each of the articles in the collection of scientific papers will be assigned a DOI identifier!
By the beginning of the ISTS, the articles selected by the reviewers will be published in two or three special issues of the journal included in the Higher Attestation Commission list.
Symposium Structure
The symposium includes plenary sessions, work of sections with viva-voce report and poster presentation, roundtables, lectures. It is planned to hold a competition of scientific works of young scientists (up to 35 years old) from Russia and China.
Languages of the Symposium
Working languages of the symposium – English and Russian.
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